Known Issue information: Project Portfolio Management: Unprocessed Costs
PPM strictly enforces business rules to ensure costs are within project start and end dates. When a cost is passed to PPM that is outside of the project start and end dates, it results in an “unprocessed cost” error and the transaction cannot post to the contract or grant.
Although all applications feeding financial information to contracts and grants in PPM should be prevent expenditures outside of project start and end dates, due to the number of new processes associated with Impact23, business rules continue to be refined to enforce project dates. Occasionally, contract and grant start and end dates are modified retroactively impacting the application’s ability to enforce project dates.
When errors are encountered in payroll, the cost should be redirected to Suspense fund 69993. Since July and due to the complexity of UCPath, a small number of payroll costs are bypassing the start and end date rules each month resulting in discrepancies between PPM expenditures and the GL, Looker-Finance, and Looker-Payroll Details.
Starting with the February ledgers, these unprocessed salary and benefit cost transaction dates will be modified to allow the transaction to post in PPM. Then a manual journal will be processed to move the cost from the PPM project to the Suspense fund 69993 referencing the actual earnings end date.
Departments should:
- Initiate Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) requests to correct the original cost to the correct funding source. Once the SCT is processed, the monthly manual journal will clear 69993.
- Regularly review and update Position Funding on expiring contracts and grants
- In situations where an amendment is pending, promptly request a pre-award through RED-SPA (Research and Economic Development-Sponsored Program Administration)
PI IMPACT: High - This has been treated as high priority.
Expected Resolution: Ongoing, with guidance