
Approving Expense Reports 

A Financial Approver must approve the Traveler's Expense Report submission before reimbursement can be issued. If expenses don’t meet approval guidelines, the Financial Approver may deny the expense. Approval responsibility should be assigned to an individual who can judge whether the expenditure is both appropriate and reasonable for university business.

The approver is the “check” in the expense reporting process to identify potential or actual errors in expense reporting and is equally accountable for all expenditures. By approving the Expense Report, the approver is attesting that each transaction (and its supporting documentation) has been reviewed and is an allowable UC Riverside travel expense. 

Learn how to Review and Approve an Expense Report (Approvers) 

Financial Approver Checklist

Image result for blue check box image Ensures the expenditure is appropriate, both in general terms and with regard to the specific fund source used
Image result for blue check box image Ensure the non-employee (guest) traveler’s signed expense report is attached
Image result for blue check box image Review expense reports, receipts, supporting documentation electronically
Image result for blue check box image Add comment(s) to an expense report 
Image result for blue check box image Add/modify COA allocations on expense(s)
Image result for blue check box image Return expense report to Employee for correction and resubmission
Image result for blue check box image Approves (or rejects) an Expense Reports