Non-Travel Reimbursements
Employee or Non-Employee Reimbursement
Expense Types:
- Dues/Fees
- Employee/Non-Employee Non-Cash Award
- Membership
- Professional Development
- Registration/Training
- Safety Shoes/Uniforms
- Other (Comment Required)*
*Requires central office review
Relocation Expenses
Expense Types:
- House Hunting
- Household Move
Additional Considerations:
- All expenses related to the relocation of a transferring or new employee should be captured. This includes:
- Out-of-pocket expenses for moving household items/members
- Expenses paid to a third-party moving company
- House Hunting prior to employment (nonstandard expense for Staff/Academic)
- Most moving companys (ex. Burgess Moving & Storage) will be pre-paid with a Purchase Order (PO) due an agreement.
- Personal Goods vs. University Goods - refers to personal belongings vs. lab equipment from another University which will now belong to UCR (University Goods).
Relocation Policy: Relocation expenses include the reasonable costs of moving household goods and personal effects to a new residence. These expenses also include the cost of travel to the new location for the eligible appointee/employee and members of the household.
Note: Expenses for an employee move relocation may be eligible for payment or reimbursement by UCR. But, due to IRS regulations and tax law, expenses are considered taxable.
Applicable Policies are located on this webpage.
- BFB G-13 - Policy and Regulations Governing Moving and Relocation
- Regent's policy 7710 - Senior Management Group Moving Reimbursement
- Regent's policy 7711 - Senior Management Group Relocation Allowance
- UCRPP 650-31 - Moving and Relocation Expense Reimbursements for Academic Employees
- UCRPP 650-32 - Moving and Relocation Expense Reimbursements for Staff Employees
Business Meeting/Entertainment and Other Event
Expense Types:
- Business Meeting
- Employee morale building activities
- Entertainment
- On the job meals
- Programmatic activities
- Recruitment and Retention
Additional Considerations:
- All business meetings and entertainment events require the identification of an official Host and corresponding Attendee list.
Entertainment Policy Highlights:
- Benefits to UCR: Ensure that the anticipated benefits outweigh the costs
- Frequency: Check the frequency of (how often) the event takes place in relation to the nature of the event
- Appropriate Amounts: While the per-person maximum may be exceeded on occasion, it might trigger a taxable event for the host and guests depending on the circumstances
- Documentation: Events exceeding costs must document the circumstances which were unavoidable or necessary to accomplish the University's business purpose
- Tax Issues: Expenses considered taxable are NOT reimbursable. The IRS considers entertainment expenses as reportable income to the host/payee when:
- Expenses are not substantiated with required receipts ($75+)
- The expenses are lavish or extravagant for the type of function
- The expense is not directly related to the employee's job or otherwise qualifies as a UC Riverside business expense