In order for your unit’s users to access the Oracle training environments, Department SAAs are asked to provision the appropriate Oracle Training roles in EACS.
The Travel & Entertainment Card is corporately-billed, signifying that all transactions are paid by UC Riverside. These charges are expenses incurred but not yet posted/accounted. T&E Card transactions are automatically imported into Concur approximately 48 hours after making a purchase and will appear under Available Expenses. Only travel-related expenses are authorized on T&E Cards, and...
With Concur's newest update, you can now drag and drop receipts directly into an expense. Concur has enabled this feature in several places. You can drag and drop receipts: Inside any expense To the Available Receipts section To the Attach Receipt pop-up Concur is working on adding more drag-and-drop functionality, so be sure to look...
Travelers must adequately account to UC Riverside for expenses on a Travel Expense Report within a reasonable period of time. Please keep in mind that the Concur user is the traveler or the employee who paid for the incurred expense(s). Policy Reminders: Travel Expense Claim: Travelers must report all travel expenses (T&E Card transactions, out-of-pocket...
Several payment options are displayed to users when completing a Travel Expense Report in Concur. How do you know which to choose? For definitions, refer to the Payment Options guide to ensure the appropriate reimbursement method is selected. The available options are as follows:
Concur offers various mobile and electronic features to make your travel and reconciliation easier. Capture receipts and create expense line items using your smartphone. Learn how to digitize receipts using the Concur Mobile App.
Do not forget to activate your card before attempting to use it. These easy-to-use instructions outline the online activation process: Activate your card at Select the “Activate Your Card” link found at the bottom of the landing page. Enter requested card information: card number, expiration date and last 4 digits of your work phone...
Submitters should anticipate a minimum processing time of 10 business days from the date the Expense Report is received by Accounts Payable, provided that required receipts and valid business justifications are included for travel reimbursement. To avoid out-of-pocket expenses and a delay in receiving reimbursements, we recommend UCR Travelers apply for the university's Travel and...
A unique professional development opportunity and a chance to support the successful launch of UC Riverside's new financial system is now available! The Impact23 program is launching a process for individuals to serve on workgroups dedicated to testing (Concur, Kuali, Oracle, Boundary systems, and Financial Reports), training, and go-live support.
As a follow-up to the Chart of Accounts Town Hall presentation, please join us Thursday, October 19th, from 10:00 - 10:30 am for the next Round Table Discussion on chart fields Flex 1 & 2.
View the Impact23 calendar for a consolidated view of important dates and events. Try out the different calendar views in the upper right corner! For example, click the arrow pointing down to filter the calendar based on event types (e.g., User Groups, Town Halls, Training, etc.).
The Impact23 Program Team is pleased to announce the new Concur Travel and Expense system is now available for use. The Concur travel system deployment marks an important milestone for UC Riverside and the Impact23 Program, with staff across the campus contributing time to the business system design, testing, and department pilot. Concur Travel and...
After successfully completing design activities at the end of April, Impact23 is well into the Configure & Build phase of the program, which runs from May-October 2022. This next phase is focused on configuring Oracle Budget & Oracle Financials to meet UC Riverside’s needs. The scope and complexity of the Configure & Build phase are...
Concur Travel and Expense, UC Riverside’s new travel system, will deploy campus wide on July 25, 2022. The Impact23 program is pleased to announce the deployment of the Concur Travel and Expense system in just a few short weeks. Concur is the first system in the campus’ multi-year initiative, Impact23, to update many of our...
With the Concur launch slated for June 2022, the T&E Card Program will transition from a personal-liability to a corporate-liability card program. Please review the following information as it will impact employees with T&E cards and outline requirements to take advantage of the new corporate T&E cards.
We are pleased to announce that Concur has been selected to develop a fully automated, end-to-end, customer-focused travel and expense solution for UC Riverside!