Do not forget to activate your card before attempting to use it. These easy-to-use instructions outline the online activation process:
Activate your card at
- Select the “Activate Your Card” link found at the bottom of the landing page.
- Enter requested card information: card number, expiration date and last 4 digits of your work phone (or the phone number your provided on your application).
- You will be sent two emails; the first email includes the link to activate your account and the second email includes a passcode.
- Select the emailed link to activate your account and then enter the passcode from the second email. You will also be given the option to update your mobile phone number. Select Submit.
- Set New PIN. Select Submit.
- Cardholders can continue to activate their accounts by dialing US Bank’s toll-free number at 800-344-5696 for activation. For this option, the cardholder will need to know details about their account including billing address, telephone number, and account limit.