Dear Colleagues,
Phase one of the Impact23 Program includes the deployment of Concur Travel and Expense in June 2022. UCR will be leveraging features available in Concur and upgrading the university’s Travel & Entertainment Card Program (T&E Card). Please review the following information as it will impact employees with T&E cards and outline requirements to take advantage of the new corporate T&E cards.
With the Concur launch slated for June 2022, the T&E Card Program will transition from a personal-liability to a corporate-liability card program. The new cards will be issued by U.S. Bank and are university-billed charge cards. Therefore, expenses charged on the card must be reconciled via an expense report within 30 days of the trip completion date.
The new Corporate T&E Cards provide several benefits to the cardholder and university, including:
- The card balance will be paid in full each billing cycle by the university
- Reduction of out of pocket expenses for travelers
- Access to transactional activity by cardholder department
- Integration of card transactions to facilitate expense reporting Concur (Phase 1 travel related)
- No late fees
Requested Actions:
- Communicate to current department T&E cardholders:
- Encourage staff to pay off existing personal-liability card balances.
- Notify the new corporate T&E cards will not be issued until personal T&E outstanding card balances are resolved.
- Note: The Accounting Office will notify existing T&E Cardholders directly about this upcoming change.
- Departments should evaluate existing cardholders and /or travelers and identify individuals that should apply for the new T&E Card
- Requirements for new corporate liability T&E issuance:
- Designated employees should plan to complete the required online T&E Card training in UC Learning (available in May 2022)
- Designated employees should plan to initiate the new online application in Concur and
- Attach Training certification
- Complete card agreement certification acknowledging the T&E Card will be used exclusively for university travel and entertainment expenses only (i.e. no personal expenditures allowed)
- The new card application will automatically route to employee’s Supervisor
- Next, the application will route to the Department Head/Card Approver (new EACS role to be deployed in June 2022) to:
- Identify default Full Accounting Unit chartstring (FAU) for unreconciled expenses
- Endorse application and confirm card request is appropriate based on the employee’s business travel and other university business needs
- Card issuance will take approximately two weeks after approved application is received.
- The new application process will begin with the launch of Concur Travel and Expense in June 2022.
- Note: Although this change does not directly impact Procurement Cardholders, all subsequent requests related to Procurement Cards will be processed via Concur beginning in June 2022.
Please direct questions about the transition to the new Travel & Entertainment Card Program to
Bobbi McCracken
Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller
Business & Financial Services