
EACS and Oracle Financial Provisioning Issue

Known Issue EACS roles for Oracle Financials that were provisioned early during deployment (June - August 2023) had some synchronization errors relating to access to certain accountability structures. As a result, some users were not added to respective departmental workflows for requisition, PO, and/or invoice approvals. The main root cause was identified and fixed in...
| Known Issues, Announcements

Project Portfolio Management (PPM )“Unprocessed Costs”

PPM strictly enforces business rules to ensure costs are within project start and end dates. When a cost is passed to PPM that is outside of the project start and end dates, it results in an “unprocessed cost” error and the transaction cannot post to the contract or grant. Although all applications feeding financial information...
| Known Issues, Announcements

Procurement and Payables

n issue with our tax calculation engine for Oracle Procurement and Payables, ONESOURCE, is preventing users from submitting Requisitions and Purchase Orders. PLEASE DO NOT PROCESS REQUISITIONS AND/OR PURCHASE ORDERS UNTIL INDICATED HERE.
| Known Issues, Announcements

Procurement and Payables

n issue with our tax calculation engine for Oracle Procurement and Payables, ONESOURCE, is preventing users from submitting Requisitions and Purchase Orders. PLEASE DO NOT PROCESS REQUISITIONS AND/OR PURCHASE ORDERS UNTIL INDICATED HERE.
| Known Issues, Announcements

Concur PCard

Concur advises users to refrain from taking any independent action to address the issue until an appropriate resolution can be determined. Expected Resolution: 3/15/2024

Concur & ePay

We are working with UCPath to have this resolved by the end of the week.​

Concur PCard

In an attempt to resolve several other issues, a change was made to the ePay and Guest Traveler Payee/Supplier systems yesterday evening (2/12). Shortly after, Impact23 project team members became aware of a new issue where some active suppliers were not being returned for selection in either ePay or Guest Traveler (for Concur), or may...

Non-Salary Cost Transfer (NCT)

Low - No direct impact noted


Draft Watermark Appears on the PO Attached to the Document in FYI Notification. Low - No direct impact noted.

Difficulties Reconciling FTDR and PO Encumbrance Report

Known Issue information: Financial Reporting Difficulties reconciling the Financial Transaction Detail Report to the Purchase Order Encumbrance Balance Report due to reporting of project burden costs (IDC). We are currently reviewing and assessing options to modify reports as well as working on providing additional guidance on understanding the Oracle version of the reports. Expected Resolution...

Inconsistencies on Award Overview Page

Known Issue information: PPM Projects - Award overview page Award overview page, there are some inconsistencies where it's not reflecting updates to project budgets. PI Impact - Low - Caution must be taken because the award overview page may not be displaying accurate budget information; the actuals is accurate. The Review section has reliable information...

Kuali Interface with PPM for award updates and new awards failing

Expected resolution - resolved with guidance

PCard expenses incorrectly reversing charges originally charged.

Expected Resolution: 2/1/2024

PCard Expenses Incorrectly Reversing

Expected Resolution: 2/1/2024