
Concur on Your Device

Concur offers various mobile and electronic features to make your travel and reconciliation easier. Capture receipts and create expense line items using your smartphone. Learn how to digitize receipts using the Concur Mobile App.
| Announcements

Did you just receive a New Travel & Entertainment Card?

Do not forget to activate your card before attempting to use it. These easy-to-use instructions outline the online activation process: Activate your card at Select the “Activate Your Card” link found at the bottom of the landing page. Enter requested card information: card number, expiration date and last 4 digits of your work phone...
| Announcements

Travel Expense Reimbursement Processing Times

Submitters should anticipate a minimum processing time of 10 business days from the date the Expense Report is received by Accounts Payable, provided that required receipts and valid business justifications are included for travel reimbursement. To avoid out-of-pocket expenses and a delay in receiving reimbursements, we recommend UCR Travelers apply for the university's Travel and...
| Announcements