
Dear Colleagues,

In the November/December 2023 time frame, RED received several emails from EMF and/or department administrators advising that they did not receive a certain email notification (i.e., the email which RED generates when distributing a Campus Award Notice(CAN) upon posting of an award in Kuali).  RED re-sent copies of such email CAN notifications to those individuals.

Upon return from Winter Break, reports of such email CAN notifications not being received by the intended recipients became more widespread (e.g., some, but not all, of the intended recipients would receive the notification or none of the intended recipients would receive it). After running tests and working with Kuali to investigate this issue, the cause was finally pinpointed in mid-February. Apparently, an email security block or spam setting in UCR's email servers was preventing the distribution of the email notifications coming from Kuali’s domain because the “From address” was set to ’’ causing it to 'think' that the email address was being spoofed.  Kuali advised UCR to change the “From address” to one that did not end with “” since it was being generated from a third-party domain.  Accordingly, on 13 February 2024, RED’s IT changed the ‘From address’ to ‘’. RED is happy to report that email notifications sent from the Kuali Award module are no longer being blocked from their intended recipients. 

That said, it is unclear which email notifications, previously sent between November 1, 2023 - February 13, 2024, were blocked from receipt by the intended recipientsNeither ITS nor Kuali were able to generate a listing of undelivered notifications.  Therefore, under an abundance of caution, SPA management decided that any and all email notifications, which were previously sent from the Kuali Award module to distribute CANs during the impacted period, need to be manually re-sent to all intended recipients. 

Working with Kuali, RED has now compiled a listing of all award versions that were posted during the impacted period; such listing was distributed to RED Officers on 3/28/2024.  The number of award versions which need to be manually re-sent by the RED Officers total four hundred forty (440).  It is estimated that the re-distribution of the notifications will occur throughout the month of April. These re-distributed notifications will be clearly marked as being a “DUPLICATE”, as some recipients may have previously received the notification and those recipients should not mistake the duplicate as additional funding.

We apologize for the inconvenience this system error may have caused and we thank those who communicated to us and helped resolve the issue.


IMPACT23 – Weekly Office Hours: Kuali Sponsored Programs

Please join us for the weekly Kuali Sponsored Programs Office Hours each Thursday from 9 – 9:30 a.m.

We hope to see you there!


Please visit for the listing of all Impact23 Office Hours, including links to copy a ZOOM meeting to your calendar.


Research List-Serv

Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research listserv, but would like to?  If so, please forward their name and email address to Cynthia Johnson at