


Known Issue information: Financial Reporting 

Are the reports accurate? yes, but there may be timing considerations or known issues.

The general structure and functionality of reporting is operating as expected. There are a few things to keep in mind. For the current known issues, more information on each of these topics is listed in more depth on the known issues log. 

It is important to remember that encumbrances are dynamic across all the reporting systems. When the report is run, the encumbrance balance is as of the date that the report is run. Please consider if the report is being pulled inception to date or by accounting period.

System Things to Remember
Oracle Financials
  • Some reports do not have date parameters that can be selected, so the information is pulled based on the date the report is run.
  • Some data within Oracle is real-time, while other data refreshes on a nightly basis
Oracle Budget
  • The Point of View is selected as search parameters for many of the reports.
  • Oracle Budget receives information from Oracle Financials - PPM Budgets on a nightly basis. 
  • Reports in Concur may be limited to the role of the person running the report (traveler, etc.).
  • These reports are pre-run and housed within iReport.
Financial Web Reports
  • These reports are pre-run and housed within Financial Web Reports.
  • Data resulting from the various parameters/filters needs to be validated to ensure that the selections were made correctly
  • Doesn't contain temp or perm budget information
  • Doesn't contain Banner data yet
  • Tax invoice lines are not consolidated in Looker
  • Data is pulled from the day before into Looker

PI IMPACT Moderate - known issues and parameters will impact data and available balances within reports.

Expected Resolution: Ongoing