
Good Afternoon All,

The Budget Office team would like to share with you the new process, effective immediately for Inter-Location Transfers (ITFs) whether they are initiated by UCR or Other Campuses.  Aside from the implementation of Oracle Budget, and the new Common Chart of Accounts, the UC Office of the President (UCOP) also launched a new system and process for ITFs across the system.  It requires campuses to use specific Accounts based on who the receiving campus is and also based on what funds are being transferred.  For this reason, we are shifting the responsibility of ITFs from the Accounting office to the Central Budget Office (CBO). 

Effective 9/1/2023, all requests to send funds to other campuses or to receive funds from other campuses via ITFs must be initiated in collaboration with the CBO.  There is a template that must be filled out (one if the funds are received by UCR, another if the funds are sent from UCR).  If the funds are being transferred to another campus from UCR, the template must be completed and emailed to the budget office as the CBO will use that information to enter the appropriate values in the ITF UCOP system.  If the funds are being received by UCR, then the receiving unit will need to work with the CBO to provide the sending campus the appropriate COA details required for the transfer, the CBO will assist the unit with the template and a final version will also need to be emailed to the CBO. 

The templates can be found on the FP&A website (, please use the most recent templates as they have been updated recently and can be updated at any point in time. The completed templates must be sent to the budget office at with a subject line of “ITF Request”.  ITFs will be processed once a month.  If you would like an ITF to be processed in a given month, the CBO must receive your completed template no later than the 20th of that month.  Units should not be provided COAs to other UC Campuses without coordinating with the UCR Budget Office first.

Please note that the UCOP policy on all state funds (special state & state general) is to as much as possible transfer in the same function. All other funds can cross functions as necessary.  However, if you feel that the function being provided to your unit on state funds doesn’t make sense based on the fund or the purpose, please reach out to the budget office for further guidance.

We ask that you distribute this message within your organization as necessary.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Susana Salazar | Financial Planning & Analysis
Budget Director