Concur Access Reminders
- iTravel roles are NOT copied to Concur. Before a user can access Concur, your Department System Access Administrator (SAA) must explicitly provision users with a Concur role in our Enterprise Access Control System (EACS). SAAs have been provided with the following instructions on establishing Concur Access. The role establishment/departmental processes may still be in progress. Please check with your department SAA/administrative staff to confirm your access has been granted.
- Roles and routing assigned in EACS before 5 pm each day will be reflected in the Concur system the next day. An overnight update is required.
- When logging into Concur, please be sure to use your “” for the Sign In verified email address. If “Sign in with University Credentials” does not display after entering your, the role set up in EACS has not yet interfaced with Concur.
Your patience is appreciated as we transition to the new system. Question can be directed to
Guidance from Concur
UC Riverside will provide training and quick reference guides tailored to our business for go-live. However, users can start preparing for the transition today by learning system basics with Concur-developed training resources!
Introducing the Concur Training Toolkit
- Learn how to use Concur Travel to book a flight, rail, car, and/or hotel reservations. - Using Concur Travel
- Learn how to use Concur Expense to automatically manage your expenses, and how to create and submit your expense claims - Using Concur Expense
- Here, you’ll find resources to help you get started and get the most out of the app for iPhone - Concur Mobile App-iPhone
- Here, you’ll find resources to help you get started and get the most out of the app for Android - Concur Mobile App-Android